
Today, in times when man has to take care of our planet, pro-environmental education is a direction that is extremely important to us. Segregation of waste, generating less waste and recycling at home, or saving water and energy are areas that each of us has an impact on. So why not form all these good habits from an early age?
That is why we offer interesting ecological and nature workshops, which are primarily aimed at building pro-ecological awareness and an attitude responsible for our planet. The workshops are intended for children, teenagers and adults. During them, we present important issues and share eco-ideas that can be used on a daily basis.

Our Foundation offers:

  • Zero waste workshops
  • Climate change workshops
  • Urban smog workshops
  • Biophilic urbanism workshops

If you want to organize such workshops in your area or know a group of people who would like to take part in them – just call us or write to us.
We can conduct workshops in companies, cultural institutions, educational institutions, as well as at all ecological events and more!

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